A topic that often arises in a B2B company when discussing social media is “Why should I care?” Marketers in B2B companies often disregard the use of social media using excuses such as time needed for such a task, return on investment, the issue of professionalism, and the underlying argument that consumers use social media, not businesses. These so-called “reasons” are mistake number one.
Everyone has their own reasons for unfollowing a person on Twitter. Although many “Social Media Gurus” will claim there are a set of actions you definitely should NEVER do on twitter, I only agree with 50% of that statement. Items like inappropriate comments or posting certain (ahem) vulgar pictures are obvious ways to not only get unfollowed but possibly kicked off Twitter. Other times, these actions are merely “social faux pas” deemed annoyances. It is important to remember that Twitter rules of engagement are built by its users. While I may not like the way you handle your twitter, another user may. These social norms vary from group to group, so it is important to recognize that many “rules” are merely opinions of a group of individuals believing in the same ideas. Keep this in mind when reading my 5 reasons, as your views may reflect mine or be far from similar. There are plenty of other reasons as well, but these are five I thought necessary to bring up.
From the Midwest state of Indiana, a businessman has built himself a credible reputation as being an expert in the social media and marketing industry. This successful young man and CEO of MindFrame, Kyle Lacy, has taken both the practice and education of social media into his own hands and has empowered others to utilize this new era of marketing tools. Two very notable accomplishments that Lacy is credited for are his published book titled Twitter Marketing for Dummies, which hit the shelves in 2009, along with his 2010 book, Branding Yourself: How to Use Social Media to Invent or Reinvent Yourself.
A Blog refers to a website managed by one or more individuals, allowing this owner or these owners to post information. Content can range from commentary and review to even day-by-day personal writing of an individual’s activities. Used both on a professional and personal level, this tool has offered a chance for more voices to be heard and has changed the way media operates.
AboutA collection of posts pertaining to Business, Food, Travel, and Things to Do Around the Globe. Categories
December 2015